37  Version Control

37.1 Git and Github for Advanced Ecological Data Analysis

  • Alexa Fredston

This material was prepared for a three-hour virtual session to teach Git and Github to a graduate-level course on Advanced Ecological Data Analysis taught at Rutgers University by Malin Pinsky and Rachael Winfree. (However, the only course-specific material is Section 4; the rest should be applicable to any reader.)

Link: https://afredston.github.io/learn-git/learn-git.html

37.2 Github actions with R

  • Chris Brown
  • Murray Cadzow
  • Paula A Martinez
  • Rhydwyn McGuire
  • David Neuzerling
  • David Wilkinson, Saras Windecker

GitHub actions allow us to trigger automated steps after we launch GitHub interactions such as when we push, pull, submit a pull request, or write an issue.

Link: https://ropenscilabs.github.io/actions_sandbox/

37.3 Github learning lab

Not R specific or even a book, but looks like a good resource to learn git.

Link: https://github.com/apps/github-learning-lab

37.4 Happy Git and GitHub for the useR

  • Jenny Bryan
  • Jim Hester
  • the STAT 545 TAs

Happy Git provides opinionated instructions on how to:

Install Git and get it working smoothly with GitHub, in the shell and in the RStudio IDE. Develop a few key workflows that cover your most common tasks. Integrate Git and GitHub into your daily work with R and R Markdown.

The target reader is someone who uses R for data analysis or who works on R packages, although some of the content may be useful to those working in adjacent areas.

Link: https://happygitwithr.com/

37.5 Learn Version Control with Git

  • Tower

Get started with Git with this beginner-friendly course. This free online book will help you learn and master version control it with ease.

Link: https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/ebook

37.6 The Beginner’s Guide to Git and GitHub

  • Thomas Mailund

A quick beginner’s guide to using Git and GitHub.You have heard about git and GitHub and want to know what the buzz is about. That is what I am here to tell you. Or, at least, I am here to give you a quick overview of what you can do with git and GitHub. I won’t be able, in the space here, to give you an exhaustive list of features—in all honesty, I don’t know enough myself to be able to claim expertise with these tools. I am only a frequent user, but I can get you started and give you some pointers for where to learn more. That is what this booklet is for.

Link: https://amzn.to/2Nt0rDY


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